I make tiny games.

Frank Force @KilledByAPixel

Age 44

Game Designer


Joined on 10/9/18

Exp Points:
43 / 50
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
2.63 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

KilledByAPixel's News

Posted by KilledByAPixel - March 14th, 2024

Hello friends, I have very special news to share today. The indie metroidvania I have been working on for 5+ years now has a Steam page and you can wishlist it! Also there is a brand spanking new trailer in stunning HD...

Wishlist Piroot on Steam!

Through my career have worked on many games big and small but this is the first time that one of my games will be on the Steam store. It would literally mean the world to me if you take a moment to check it out and wishlist if it seems interesting. Thank you for following me on this journey!

Follow Piroot on Twitter for up to date news.

I also made a slick new logo, what do you think?




Posted by KilledByAPixel - February 4th, 2023

Hi everyone, I have just released a new game on Newgrounds. I hope you like it!


This game was originally made in only 13 kilobytes for the js13k competition! You can check out the original source code for the game on my github. There is also a not so secret bonus game you can also play by pressing 1.


I have also made some small improvements to my other game Space Huggers like showing a direction arrow on the enemy radar. Congrats to @KyRzYg for beating the game in a record 8:19.33!


A special thank you to @wowdotstudios for making this awesome piece of space huggers fan art which I am using as my profile pic on newgrounds.


I am still making generative art, you can check out most of my recent work on fxhash.

Here are a few of my recent favorites...

"Auto Park" - Generative abstract parking lots from above.


"Gradient Ascent" - Low-fi sci-fi poster generator.


Thanks for reading, take care of yourselves, and have a great week!


Posted by KilledByAPixel - March 1st, 2022

Thank you everyone for voting to make Space Huggers a 4/5 game! Since the original release I've made many improvements and additions including full mobile support. Also congrats to lewdev and PapaPSI, two players who have gone above and beyond to speed run the game in under 10 minutes, and VMDC for getting so close. You can play it here...

Play Space Huggers

This year I have redirected my focus towards generative artwork. Here is a small selection of what I have been working on. There are many variations of these that look much different so you'll need to click to see more.

Follow me on twitter to get the latest updates on all my work. Thanks!

Astronomic Comics


Divide by Circle


Tree Skyness




Posted by KilledByAPixel - November 11th, 2021

Hello friends. I thought some of you might enjoy this before it potentially gets taken down.

The Legend of Bounce Back

Please enjoy my homage to the 35th anniversary of the Zelda series. Playable on desktop or mobile browsers. Use a keyboard, mouse, gamepad, or touch device. I recommend a SNES style gamepad!

Before you tell me I should post it on newgrounds, I already did... sort of. Yes, this is a total conversion of another game I posted here a while back.

In other news I have been continuing to polish Space Huggers, mobile mode is feeling really good now. The next thing I plan to improve is the help tips when you die. It will show a different tip every time to help onboard new players.

If you'd like to get into JavaScript game development, try my new game engine LittleJS! It the same engine I used to make space huggers and I think it's a great way to get started.

Thank you for reading, take care of yourselves and have a great day!



Posted by KilledByAPixel - November 6th, 2021

Thank you everyone who has played and enjoyed Space Huggers. We are rapidly approaching 20,000 views. To celebrate I have added mobile support with an on screen touch gamepad. The mobile build has it's own leaderboard with smaller/faster levels. I adjusted the UI also for lower resolution displays. We have tested on an iPhone and Android to great success, but it does not load on older devices.

Please give it a shot on your phone and let me know how it goes!


Some Space Huggers stats for you...

  • 18,601 people viewed the game
  • 1,320 beat the first level
  • 91 beat the game
  • only 5 people played 2 player mode
  • no one has played 4 player!
  • fastest win time is 11:14, congrats lewdev

Follow me on twitter to see all the cool game dev stuff I post about. I recently posted video of the mobile mode I took on my phone. So many great things in the pipeline, I can't wait to share.

Thank you for reading and have a great day.




Posted by KilledByAPixel - October 24th, 2021

I just released a new game on here! It's a run and gun roguelike platformer. Originally made for JS13K, I've polished it up, added a final boss fight, music, achievements, and scoreboard for fastest times. If people like this game, I want to expand it with more enemies, weapons, missions, variety, etc.

Space Huggers - Super Championship Edition

This game was made with a new game engine I also just released called LittleJS. It is a simple and easy way to make high quality games like Space Huggers. It also has built in support for Newgrounds medals. Looking forward to seeing more games using in the near future!

LittleJS on GitHub

Thanks for reading, take care of yourself and have a great day!



Posted by KilledByAPixel - May 19th, 2020

Hello everyone! I'm a solo dev and recently implemented medals and scoreboards in my games. I would love to see some more players!

Bounce Back - Boomerang adventure inspired by Zelda with roguelike elements.

Bogus Roads - Low res retrowave racing with randomly generated tracks.

I also recently released an awesome sound effect generator for everyone to use for their games...

ZzFX - Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth - A Tiny JavaScript Sound Effect Engine

You can download sounds as wavs or play them directly with just a tiny bit of code.

Here's the actual entire JavaScript code you need to play ZzFX sounds in your games, it's crazy small...

zzfxV=.3 // volume
zzfx=    // play sound
(I=1,J=.05,g=220,f=0,h=0,m=.1,n=0,K=1,r=0,z=0,t=0,A=0,u=0,B=0,v=0,L=0,e=0,d=2*Math.PI,b=44100,w=p=>2*p*Math.random()-p,C=p=>0<p?1:-1,M=r*=500*d/b**2,D=g*=(1+w(J))*d/b,N=C(v)*d/4,q=[],E=0,F=0,c=0,k=1,G=0,H=0,a=0,O,l,x,y=zzfxX.createBufferSource())=>{f=50+f*b|0;h=h*b|0;m=m*b|0;e=e*b|0;z*=500*d/b**3;l=f+h+m+e;v*=d/b;t*=d/b;A*=b;for(u*=b;c<l;q[c++]=a)++H>100*L&&(H=0,a=E*g*Math.sin(F*v-N),a=n?1<n?2<n?3<n?Math.sin((a%d)**3):Math.max(Math.min(Math.tan(a),1),-1):1-(2*a/d%2+2)%2:1-4*Math.abs(Math.round(a/d)-a/d):Math.sin(a),a=C(a)*Math.abs(a)**K,a*=I*zzfxV*(c<f?c/f:c<f+h?1:c<l-e?1-(c-f-h)/m:0),a=e?a/2+(e>c?0:(c<l-e?1:(c-l)/e)*q[c-e]/2):a),E+=1+w(B),F+=1+w(B),g+=r+=z,k&&++k>A&&(D+=t,g+=t,k=0),u&&++G>u&&(g=D,r=M,G=1,k=k||1);x=zzfxX.createBuffer(1,q.length,b);x.getChannelData(0).set(q);y.buffer=x;y.connect(zzfxX.destination);y.start()};zzfxX=new AudioContext

Follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates and see all my weird experiments.

Thank you for reading, take care of yourselves and have a nice day!
